Beyond the Barricade – Live Painting at University of Kent
BEYOND THE BARRICADE at the University of Kent, Studio 3 Gallery for September – December 2018.
As part of the nationally funded Waterloo 200 project, which looks at the Age of Revolutions, this exhibition will acknowledge revolution as a dynamic process that manifests itself in many forms, continuing to inspire, engage and affect people on a global scale.
By looking at past upheavals and present events, BEYOND THE BARRICADE explores how art becomes an expression of social and political action. Unconfined to the gallery space, BEYOND THE BARRICADE charts revolutionary moments through a diverse range of artworks, while confronting the concept of the barricade. Either visible or invisible, the barricade is a mode of resistance, obstruction, defence or protection. A barricade emerging from artist-audience collaboration protects a space of free discussion and reflection, a space echoing the historic salon environment. BEYOND THE BARRICADE embodies the spirit of revolution.
What inspired you to be an artist?
As long as I can remember, I always created, whether by drawing, writing, filming… I’d say I’ve been inspired by many creative people from different fields. I’ve always been fascinated by the creation process, and I can’t help but create myself.
Was it difficult to establish yourself as a full time artist?
I decided to be a full time artist before I established anything. I figured that if I wanted to do it for real and to do it well, it would take all my time. I think risk is a big part of the job.
Your art is quite political and humorous. Where do you draw your inspiration from ?
I get inspiration from a lot of different things, it can be news, a movie, a song, a painting… My purpose is always to tell a story, to express an opinion or to make people react or smile.
What sort of obstacles did you come across as a street artist?
I surely came across some obstacles but when I think about that, I honestly really can’t tell… As long as you focus on creating and enjoying what you’re doing, a lot of things happen.
Do you consider your art to be revolutionary? Why?
The term “revolutionary” is a big one. But I believe that every meaningful piece of art participates in some way to the evolution of society. Artists are in some ways all part of the same movement or community. We can’t tell yet for now but you look back on specific decades, you can see art is a reflection of society and its evolution. It doesn’t have to change the world, but I think a clear opinion or comment through a piece of art can reach people more deeply than words.
Do you believe in revolution ?
It’s weird because since social media is so much part of our lives, I tend to lose faith in the power of people to revolt. But it happened before. Maybe we need the situation to be even worse.